The Spirit of the Land with Gaela Morrison

Some talk of the living spirit of the land – what is meant by this? Indigenous cultures all over the planet believe that there is spirit in everything, in the land, in buildings, in plants, in everything. Our relationship with the earth, with nature, with all beings includes the subtle world, the unseen realms and its many dimensions which is very much alive. There are nature spirits, spirits of the trees and plants, of the mineral kingdom, rivers, lakes, and valleys, mountains, larger over lighting spirits of the land, the spirits of the elements of earth, water, fire and air, ancestral spirits of the land.

In my experience they all combine to give a feel for the consciousness or intelligence of the land, what we might call the spirit of the land. The interaction of humans over time have an effect on the spirit of the land. For instance, if a place has been honored and revered as sacred for hundreds of years, that place will possess extraordinary, spiritual potency, and feel much more alive than a place that may have once been sacred, but has been denigrated and disrespected by humans over a long period of time.

How can we work with the spirit of the land where we live? And is this applicable to those who live in towns and cities? The spirit presence of each place is unique, and each person may experience the same place in a different way. This is true for places far away from cities as well as urban places. I’ve had one of my most significant experiences in the middle of Central Park in New York City

I would suggest being aware of places that call you and if you resonate with it and start there. There may be an energy blueprint of that specific place that reflects similar patterns within yourself and that’s why you were attracted to it. I would start by opening your heart and awareness, and just have a conversation with the place, introduce yourself, become acquainted as you would a friend. Ground yourself, and open all of your senses, listen with your heart. Be receptive, relax, and just allow yourself to be seen by the place, to be touched by it. Breathe with it. Physically touching a tree is sometimes an easy way to help align with the place and the spirits there, as trees are very attuned to humans. 

Sometimes using a poetic language from the heart such as singing, music or movement is a great way to communicate with these subtler dimensions. Try going to the same place that you are attracted to over and over again, whether it be a tree, or a specific place in nature. Try going at different times of the day and different seasons, it will change over time.  Make it a practice to cultivate your relationship with a place.  Practice is key.  Ask for guidance from your own personal allies and always be respectful of the place. Most of all trust your intuition!

How can we benefit from this connection? The more that we are aware that we are connected to everything, the more we can be fully receptive to what the presence of the land and its subtle realms have to express. As this connection and appreciation grows, the more the spirit of the place awakens and comes alive, and we do as well. 

I believe that cultivating a more compassionate relationship with the Earth is an essential component for much needed transformation and change, for both ourselves and the planet.

Are there obligations with such connections? I would say be respectful always, that covers a lot. And practice humility.

Can you share an incident where you felt the spirit of the land strongly – what did it reveal? Gosh, there are so many…Two come to mind at the moment.

One was an architectural environment in Granada, Spain at the Alhambra, an amazing and enormous Moorish palace complex. First, there was the overwhelming beauty and artistry that inspired complete awe. There was no representation of humans in the art and architecture, but prayers were an intricate part of the entire palace complex, which was was built according to sacred geometry. The entire palace complex was built according to sacred geometry. Even though it was very crowded with tourists, standing in certain places I was opened and connected to the heavens and the Earth. It was one of the most peaceful and blissed I have ever felt. Absolutely mind blowing. 

The other one that comes to mind is a small remote stone circle out in the middle of a boggy sheep field on the isle of Mull in Scotland. It was quite the pilgrimage to find it much less get there in the pouring rain. It was worth it! It was surrounded by mountains that were sprouting with abundant waterfalls. It felt completely alive and full of joy.

Gaela Morrison is a geomancer, teacher and artist living in Longmont, Colorado.
She specializes in harmonizing the subtle energies in natural and built environments, enhancing both the atmosphere of place and optimizing our human experience.
Her skills include Geomancy, Feng Shui, Dowsing, Sacred Geometry, Property Clearing, Art-making, Contemplative and Shamanic Practices. 

Gaela’s passion for helping people optimize their properties led her to create a series of extraordinary travels to sacred sites since 2015. She facilitates group pilgrimages to Scotland and Ireland. 

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